Book cheap ScotRail Train tickets online, find schedules, prices, station locations, services, promotions and deals.ScotRail phone number: 11443448110141ScotRail popular routes and schedules
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Edinburgh → Aberdeen | First and last departures07:30 — 21:30 | Average duration2h 32m | Minimum priceHK$166 | |
Edinburgh → Glasgow | First and last departures06:58 — 23:45 | Average duration1h 10m | Minimum priceHK$179 | |
Aberdeen → Edinburgh | First and last departures07:08 — 21:06 | Average duration2h 38m | Minimum priceHK$166 | |
Glasgow → Inverness | First and last departures07:07 — 23:30 | Average duration3h 30m | Minimum priceHK$166 | |
Inverness → Edinburgh | First and last departures08:41 — 20:22 | Average duration3h 57m | Minimum priceHK$166 |
Train travel is one of the most comfortable and scenic ways to see the world. With ScotRail, you can expect a smooth journey, which you can appreciate while contemplating the view from spacious seats
With Busbud, it’s easy to book your ScotRail tickets. We offer a wide selection of routes and departure times, so you can find the perfect trip for you. Plus, our website is available in multiple languages, so you can book your tickets wherever you are in the world.
On Busbud, you can conveniently search for the ScotRail train schedules and prices that best suit your needs. We give you access to all available ScotRail train routes to facilitate your bookings.
Our customer service team is available 24/7 to help you with any questions or problems you may have while travelling. So, whether you’re taking a weekend getaway or embarking on a month-long adventure, we’ve got you covered.
Be sure to keep an eye out for a coupon code to benefit from ScotRail discounts and cheap train tickets.
Need to contact ScotRail customer service? Busbud provides you with ScotRail phone number so you can easily contact them.
Partnering up with ScotRail allows Busbud to ensure high-quality ScotRail train services to travellers from all corners of the world.
ScotRail’s Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Trains514
- Cities80
- Countries1
- Routes343
ScotRail User Reviews
2.6 out of 5 stars
User reviews from travellers who booked their tickets with ScotRail
Ratings and Reviews (11)
Kevin H.
23 May 2024Tabriz A.
28 November 2023Chrissie G.
11 November 2023Emma O.
20 October 2023Elizabeth Y.
4 July 2023Why choose Busbud?
The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool – we include ScotRail routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your ScotRail ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, ScotRail and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
ScotRail Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top ScotRail Train Lines
- Edinburgh to GlasgowHK$189
- Glasgow to EdinburghHK$188
- Edinburgh to InvernessHK$636
- Inverness to EdinburghHK$641
- Edinburgh to AberdeenHK$258
- Glasgow to InvernessHK$618
- Aberdeen to EdinburghHK$258
- Inverness to GlasgowHK$622
- Edinburgh to DundeeHK$161
- Dundee to EdinburghHK$272
- Edinburgh to StirlingHK$138
- Glasgow to AberdeenHK$405
- Aberdeen to GlasgowHK$402
- Perth to EdinburghHK$245
- Glasgow to DundeeHK$253
- Stirling to EdinburghHK$139
- Edinburgh to PerthHK$130
- Glasgow to PaisleyHK$56
- Glasgow to StirlingHK$118
- Paisley to GlasgowHK$56
Top ScotRail Destinations
- ScotRail to Edinburgh
- ScotRail Glasgow
- ScotRail to Inverness
- ScotRail Aberdeen
- ScotRail to Dundee
- ScotRail Perth
- ScotRail to Stirling
- ScotRail Aviemore
- ScotRail to Livingston
- Buses to Carlisle
- Buses to Pitlochry
- Buses to Oban
- Buses to Paisley
- Buses to Fort William
- Buses to Hamilton
- Buses to Dunfermline
- Buses to Ayr
- Buses to Falkirk
- Buses to Cumbernauld
- Buses to Dumfries